Norango: The World’s First Zero Emissions Virtual Contact Centre
In 2021, working from home is no longer just a pandemic-related emergency response, but a necessary upgrade in workplace culture, influenced as well by climate change and the environmental challenges we are facing.
The most recent UN Climate Change report links human activities to the extreme weather events we have witnessed over the past several years, such as severe flooding, droughts, hurricanes and wildfires in various countries. July 2021 became the hottest month on record in 142 years of measurement. In the current state of increasing international environmental alarm, companies as well as individuals need to step up and make necessary changes to their life and work habits to switch to more sustainable ones. Norango, a virtual call handling company, is the world’s first zero emissions virtual receptionist service that has managed to keep its track record of environmentally friendly operating for the past 15 years.
Thanks to its paperless, cloud-based business model and fully remote team, Norango offers other companies a seamless, sophisticated way to reduce their carbon footprint by moving their call reception services into the hands of highly trained call handling specialists within Norango’s extensive team. According to a carbon footprint assessment conducted, during 8 months of work, a remote worker at Norango produces only 0.5 tonnes of CO2 compared to the average of 3,5 tonnes of CO2 for a regular office worker, which skyrockets up to 20 tonnes of CO2 per worker at high-energy organisations. Norango also makes an extra effort to offset their already-minimal carbon emissions to achieve a net zero outcome, making it a truly sustainable business model.
Recent studies have proven the significant widespread positive environmental impact of working from home: in the US alone, there was a 67% decrease in waste production by businesses in 2020 due to the majority of employees throughout the country working from home. Additionally, the US reduced its total carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 15% between March and June 2020 alone – significant improvement which is attributed to the national shift towards remote work.
Norango offers inbound and outbound services to businesses of all sizes thanks to their highly flexible service plans. Making no distinction between inbound and outbound calls, Norango’s unique blended service gives business owners the most efficient method of keeping in touch with their clients.
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