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23 year old kicked out of school starts UK green broadband provider – and it’s thriving in more ways than one

ADHD sufferer Luke Chapman is thriving now, having set up Earth Broadband, the UK’s first green broadband provider, at the tender ago of 23.  Luke’s company is getting rave reviews from customers, and praise for the way his company gives back to environmental projects.   However, life hasn’t always been that way.

Luke, from Ringwood, Hampshire is hoping that his success will inspire others who are differently abled.  Luke explains:

“If I rewind to before I founded Earth, I was kicked out of school and felt like I failed. I found it extremely difficult to focus in lessons and was diagnosed with ADHD at 16.

“However, looking at things with a different focus can be a real advantage.  I noticed that the UK’s broadband industry is broken. Pricing is unfair and unclear, customer service is non-existent, and annual price hikes are crazy – and I decided to do something about it.

“I launched Earth Broadband in 2022 with a clear vision, to change the internet for good, with the goal of creating a new broadband service that truly puts customers first and uses their money for good.”

So far, the company has been a roaring success, with the company getting as much praise for it’s approach to funding environmental projects as for it’s highly rated broadband service.

CEO Luke explains:

“Our broadband service receives rave reviews, but I didn’t just want to succeed in business – I wanted to make a difference to the planet.  That’s why, every month, Earth customers plant trees, remove plastic from our oceans, and restore wildlife habitats, creating jobs and helping mitigate climate change.

“We aim to plant 500,000 trees per month and remove 100,000 pounds of plastic by 2025.

“We’ve received a fantastic response from our customers so far, and we can’t wait to shape the future of broadband as well as keep making a difference.”

Not bad for a young man who was kicked out of school.

Luke says:

“There are lots of students sitting exams right now who may not get the grades they wanted.

“We can’t all be good academically, but everyone can make a difference.”

“Whether you’re a grade-A student or someone like me who didn’t do too well at school, I hope my story empowers you – and proves that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. ”


Lisa Baker is Group Editor for the Need to See IT Publishing Group. Lisa writes about HR, Technology, Health, the Environment and Business.
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